VPK Collaborative for Administrators:
You are invited to attend a training session offered by our DOE OEL Regional Facilitator, Heather Sargent. These sessions are for Administrators, Directors, and Owners of VPK programs. These interactive sessions will provide information, and allow opportunities to network and share strategies and ideas with your peers and generate a list of possible topics for discussion in future meetings.
Space is limited to 30 and registration is required using the Eventbrite link below each session.
Date: Tuesday, January 8th
Time: 11am-12pm
Location: Indian River Administration Complex, Vero Beach
Bldg. B-Room B 1-501
See registration steps below
Click on the link under the session you wish to attend (links are included above).
- Click on register on the top right.
- Click on checkout on the bottom right.
- Complete the registration information and click on complete registration (bottom middle under registration information).
- Click on go to my tickets.
- Click on the event (it will be on the bottom) and a line will appear under it so you can click.
- You will then have options to print the ticket, cancel order, etc. Go ahead and print the ticket and you will be registered.
- You need to register one person at a time up to 2 people from one center per session.
If you have any questions, please contact Heather Sargent at heather.sargent@oel.myflorida.com